Adele Sim

I AM… a working mother.

For about two years. The decision to make motherhood a full time job was actually a welcome change. Until I realised I don’t have money of my own on a regular basis and that really created a huge vortex of emotion. A week after the meltdown in our Jakarta apartment, I returned to Singapore with

I AM… a stay at home mother.

For about two years. The decision to make motherhood a full time job was actually a welcome change. Until I realised I don’t have money of my own on a regular basis and that really created a huge vortex of emotion. Nobody talked about this. Nobody told me this. Nobody said that when you do

Who Am I?

I have never questioned my identity as much as I did post divorce. I always knew who I was: Name: Adele Sim Race: Chinese Religion: Catholic Marital Status: Married… Except I am no longer married. But neither am I single. Or am I? Right until a few years ago, I have noticed I have brand